International Journal of Music Science, Technology and Art essential requirement for anyone who needs to keep up to date with new developments of music concepts throughout the world.


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IJMSTA - Vol. 3 - Issue 1 - January 2021
ISSN 2612-2146
Pages: 6

Metacognition and Digital Singing Education - Techniques

Authors: S. Sekhon
Categories: Journal

Abstract - This paper explores the importance of the role metacognition plays in singing education and how technology can be leveraged in order to create improved learning experiences in the future. The development of a mobile application is used to help understand this relationship and develop techniques for singing education motivated by traditional metacognitive learning approaches and results. The results of the research represent an indicator that the ideas developed in this paper would be valuable avenues of pursuit for future education and application development in this domain

Keywords: Music, Music technology, Metacognition, Singing education technology, Music education technology

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Sekhon, S . (2021). Metacognition and Digital Singing Education - Techniques. IJMSTA. 2021 Jan 7; 3 (1): 1-6.

